Monday, November 11, 2013

Rare Unicorn Horn, Daily Explorer Posts, and glitches

Sup? This is Infinity the Fox here with the Rare Item!!
Rare Unicorn Horn!! Some bloggers say that the horn reminds them of something, and that the unicorn horns come in colorful colors!
-Infinity Quietbird

 Hey guys!! Blossom the Arctic Wolf here with new Daily Explorer Posts!
A new Daily Explorer News Crew Assignment!

Wow! What are you thankful for?
-Blossom Arcticlily
Hi hi hi, Daredevil has come with a weird glitch!
It's from The Animal Jam Expert, credit to you!
Yes, she saw a floating smoothie! I just wanna send you a prize! That's my fav glitch on your blog!!! :3
-Daredevil Icystar


  1. Halo! How do u get a unicorn horn easy on aj??? my user is elsaandkristoff
    peaaaace my penguins

    1. Aloha! Dolphin31 here! Unfortunately, the Unicorn Horn was a Rare Item Monday, that cannot be bought anymore. But keep your eyes peeled, it come out again! Also, you can get a Golden Unicorn Horn (i think!) at Epic Wonders. Hope I answered your question!
      Dolphin31 :)

  2. Im baaack. (the unicorn luver)
    plz tell me how to get da horn


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