They're coming up with really cool ones. I'm deciding to get a underwater den myself!
Okapis? Huh, wonder what they are??!!!
Ok, I have less important news (or more important news). I don't know where to start, but I'm thinking of quitting this blog. I mean, I haven't been able to post lately, which is letting you guys and the page views down. I suggest these awesome blogs.
The Animal Jam Sky blog
The Animal Jam Whip
Animal Jam Spirit blog
But hey, time flies bye and things change. Be sure to check out
I'll still be posting there. Unless I get my friends to be coauthors of this blog, I'm gonna quit. Only this blog. I loved having all this attention and awesome commenters. I'd like to give special thanks to RockyTop2, my idol. /\-/\ top commenter too!!!!! You'll still see me hanging around in Jamaa, and posting on my other blogs. This has been GREAT! Maybe, just maybe-- don't get ur hopes up too high!!-- I will come back after a month or two. Until then, chaio!
May the sweetness be with you