My Other Blogs

Here are my other blogs if you would like to check 'em out:

The Foxes

Plum the Dog

The Animal Jam Bunny

The Epic Simpsons Person!

Infinity's Animal Jam Den Ideas

Calico Country
 Also, I have 2 more blogs, but they're private.


  1. Hey can u add my blog the animal jam genius

  2. Okay, sure! No problem! BTW, when I add your blog, I add your username so people know who has created that blog. Could you mind telling me it? If you don't want to, it's okay: I'll just call you Animal Jam Genius.


STOP! BEFORE YOU READ, please follow TAJF's rules:
-Do not curse
-Be kind and don't ask others for things
And most importantly: -Have fun with these comments. You're supporting a belief!