Saturday, March 29, 2014


Ugh, I have no idea what's gone wrong wit me. Anyway, a cheese hat has appeared in the April fools party /\_/\

Who knows, maybe next there'll be a sandwich, cake, ice cream, etc hat XD 
 Another flippersome video from Tierny !!!!

Also, she made a post on DE 

Also, I have changed Grace from plum the dog from a pet snake to a pet fox. So... Yeah.
Here's some pics!


Freaky huh? 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Oh well

OSo, here I am, with 2 days of no news. Anyway, the rare was the rare shark fin. Why did AJHQ have 2 bring back a beta?! Oh well, at least it was here for 1 day. The DE also posted about the rare...


New vid from Brady Barr 

And the table with magic ball!! 

It's back! Let's celebrate with Nyan Cat!! :3

Uh... Just 2 tell u guys, I'm NYANDDICTED TO NYAN CAT!!! :O
Anywho, fan on! Love ya, fans!

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Heya peeps, I'm here :3 Srry for not posting on Plum the dog, my grandma's computer doesn't work 4 AJ, and also it takes FOREVER to post the video :T
Anywho, I LOVE this item: rustic hanging lantern. <3 <3 <3

Shop: Outback Imports
/\_/\ also, new DE post...

GTG :Y got to go have dinner byeee

Saturday, March 22, 2014

:D peck I WUV u!!

Hi Jammers! dolphin31's back and I found more news:
Aha! This is what I was thinking that would appear in Epic Wonders. Perfect for me!
ooo, dolphins! I'll be totally checking that out as soon as I can! It's in the Aquarium.
DE posted about somebody asking Tierney Thys, are octopuses really smart? Well, I don't know. I guess they are.
They also talked about the cool new advenutre, THE SEARCH FOR GREELY.
It's really tricky but so worth it! I got this cool phantom pod thingy when I tried.
Bye! GTG

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Hiya guys my bus will be here soon, so I'll just post the pics!

Credit to the animal jam sky blog!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy lucky/st.Patricks day!!

:D yup, Jammers, the heading tells you all. 

Happy lucky/st. Patricks day!!

Anywho, the rare item is a "cheap" tuxedo O.O

1,950 gems. *sighs* how cheap can they get?
Also, DE has a new article about all the adventures combined equals a nice 7!! Wow, time flys by! Oh, and... *reads* it also talks about greely's status /\__/\
Bye 4 now! PS: 14 more days till my AJ anniversary!! On that day, I will update "all about dolphin31" (yes, u might have guessed it! March 31 and the 31 in my name!! /\-/\ ). 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Betta then eva :3

Wazzup Jammers? I woke up better than ever and have some more news!! First off, the new CLOVER BALLOONS!

Hmm.. This item reminds me of teh PHANTOM BALLOONS from New Years Eve party! /\./\
Also, A new vid at the aquarium 

Yes, how DO jellyfish sting??

I will be updating PLUM THE DOG soon, so stay tuned (maybe round today)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sick D:

Hiya Jammers, unfortunately, I have been attacked by a bunch of homework, including this contest thing. 

Anywho, I wanna give a SHOUTOUT to somersetrocks for sending me a... 
Thank you thank you thank you ;) I hope maybe I will get more heartful gifts if people start sending things to start a MAILTIME (don't mean to be greedy nu uh)

Also, more great news: I've created my first VIDEO!!!!, the series will be about my bunny! I'll maybe post it today if I am better- this morning I almost threw up-blech

Oops, almost forgot the NEWS NEWS NEWS!!

Ok, we've got a cute clover skirt...

And  a new video..

:( here's da last item 

The graham nesting dolls have returned /\./\
Ok, chow 4 now!! XD

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Exploded with news...

Hi Jammers! It's me, dolphin, here with important news! The most important news I want to announce right away is... *drumroll* a new adventure is coming up for us Jammers who experienced Greely's  Inferno! (Yes I've talked about it before- whateva, but I wanna talk about it again!!!)

Oooooooooo.... I hope it will be here soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anywho, other news (that isn't as important as the first :3) 
Two pieces in Jam Mart Furniture:

I like both of these, they match together adorably. :)

O, and before I forget, two posts on the DE and videos

That looks real funny! And the kangaroos are like soooooooo cute!

Sharks. Deadly. Runs out door and digs eighteen feet hole to put self in and die.

OMG... This Q EVERYONE knows about me! Splish splash :D

Bye! And fan on!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Hiya Jammers! Morning, if you're in USA. :3 whateva. So, we are surprised with a new non member pet, the seahorse!!

My BFF, para12345 (nonmember), thinks that the forgetted and ignored member pets are released into non member pets, because AJHQ is worried nobody will buy them. Well, something along those lines. I added some of my opinion in it too, LOL. 

Ok, flipping to da next page...
Oh no, PANDAS are leaving?! I luv these cuddly animals; they're cute when they play! I got one right after I heard the news from a friend! Little Clevermoon. She's related to oreo's arctic wolf, whose name ends in Clevermoon, and her ancestor was Victory Clevermoon! Yes, victory was my first animal. 

Anyway, next page...

R u excited??? Well, I am!!! I can't WAIT for the new adventure! It will reveal if Greely survived or not. 

Lucky day items? Ok, I don't really care about da tuxedo, but I REALLY want the lucky balloons!! They look SO cute! 

Also, AJHQ has possibly forgotten to add to the JJ the new secret eagle shop in coral canyons! But it's not really secret; there's a glitch that can transport ANY animal- not under water animals, though- sky or not, to the awesome shop. I read this in The Animal Jam Community. 

So, u stand at the place where the bridge ends on the right side, close to the cat shop. Then, use your up arrow key on your keyboard to move your animal up. Believe it or not, you'll see your animal up in the air!! Still using the arrow keys, maneuver the animal to the far left, and you'll soon see the shop. Here's what it looks like: (credit to The Animal Jam Community) 

Too crowded, though, eh? Ok, click on the sale sign to buy epic den items!!

These r SO awesome! Notice how a rack of clothing is more cheaper than a rack of rare clothing. My favorite is certainly the first 3 at the top! I have all of them. :)

Epic wonders invented a new doll to the collection:

Who knows, maybe they'll come up with a Peck, Sir Gibert, and Greely doll too!! I worship bunnies, so I'd probably get the Peck one if invented.

To top this all off, I have z pic of z day

Oh yes, ALL bunnies just love me!

Hasta lavista, Jammers!

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