Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Story 'bout my animal

Hey, guys! I've started a book all about my bunny on AJ. Here's just the intro to get you interested. Feel free to post any comments, questions or ideas you have. I would be REALLY happy! :)

Morning. Sun streamed out of my tiny window right next to my comfy bed. Mama was calling in my ear- "Victory! Wake up! It's time to go to town." I bounded out of bed, my beautiful dream broken. Then I remembered Papa telling me about going to town today. I raced out my room. Papa was now sitting at the table, reading "The Jamaa News". Oatmeal was steaming in the breakfast bowls. After giving me a quick hug, he announced, "Well, Blossom, at work I earned 1,000 gems. Anything you need?" Mama paused her work of setting out my town clothes. "Why, Major! 1,000 gems! I guess I'll look around and pick something. And maybe something for our little bunny too..." 

1 comment:

  1. Will be posting more about the story on another blog I'll make. :3


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