Monday, February 24, 2014


Hey! Here's the new item!

Sorry rare goggles, I've got my attention on the new lucky party!

They have all sorts of things....

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Yay! Welcome back, Mystery Emporium Items!!

Breaking news from Dolphin! Two Mystery Emporium items have came back... but in different places.
YES!! I've been waiting for this mirror- I never got time to buy it. Well, now you can get yours at Jam Mart Furniture!! At Outback Imports, shockingly, that's the new home of the telescope! What does a desert have to do with telescopes?!
On the other hand, Outback Imports hasn't had a new item for AGES.
BTW, two more things. 
One, new DE post
Cool! I actually never knew a frog has a sticky tongue :P
A new calendar..
OMIGOSH, I wanna punch myself in the face cause I can't get a eagle yet!!! UGH!
Lawl, have you tried the new Swoopy Eagle game?! It's the HARDEST in all history of Jamaa.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


=/\./\=Hey! Whaddya know, the new item is parkas.

Looks thick at the top, then it becomes skinnier. :/ If 10 was the best and 1 was the worst, I would give it a rank of 1 or 2 at the least >:3 

OK, don't tell me that IM the only one whose excited for the eagles tomorrow!!! My own little prediction is that if eagles are usually in the air, that AJ will make a NEW land for eagles! Also, maybe there will be little "sky" stores around in different regions of the sky land, and new clothes JUST for eagles. Maybe they'll even make a den that's maybe a humongous cloud!! Or a nest on top of a cliff!! Plus, here are what I think the actions for eagles will be. 

-Play: swooping down and catching pretend prey :3
-Sleep: ? Maybe just be perched and have eyes closed?! IDK!
-Hop: have wings spread out and going up and down in the air.
-Dance: hmm... this ones hard. Lemme think a while XD

Anyway, I am SO not missing going on AJ tomorrow right after school. I asked my mom and she said yes, so YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus, when u look at my blogger profile, I have a new blog: New Jamming. Check it out if u or another friend r new to AJ.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Ok hey guys, I have a quick moment to show you what the new item is.
O.o they ARE kinda cute, but the paintings on them.. nah..... She looks fat, and AJHQ is basically offending her that way XD maybe

Monday, February 17, 2014

Wat da?! ANOTHER WIG?!

Heyyyyy jammerz! What up? The dolphin31 animals are back, and we'll start with Eternal (infinity is now the star of my video collection and has to look like a boy from now on).

Sup, guys? Eternal here with *sighs another wig... RARE!

AJ looks so addicted to wigs. What's wrong??? Plus, do you see any similarity to the colors of this weeks rare and the rare unicorn horn colors? Kay, that's it!

Yay! It's Duchess Vonmoon (penguin) with another cool den item to add 

Hey, you know, cause of all these new plants to buy, i think I'll make a garden in my treehouse. I'll take a pic for u guys!!

The late Blossom is back with lots of updates on the DE!

That was from the chalenge of explaining how to be a savvy jammer..
The DE suggested setting a valentines day party. What a good idea! :) I'll tell that to Duchess. 

Well, I found about that a looonng time ago. But it's still cool

Later alligators! The dolphin31 animals wish you good luck on all your adventures! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Sup, guys! Here we have another wig. Maybe February is Curly Wig month on animal jam XD
Yes, curly wig with hat and little white bow if u can't see it. Golly, in the olden times, men sure looked weird with wigs! No offense if like George Washington just got into the future and checked out my blog lol. Hmm, lemme look in my iPad's photos for something AJ related..

Here we have the beautiful, magnificent, majestic, colorful, with swirly breezes Aurora Borealis.
This is how it'd look like in real life...

Pwetty! :3

Well, fan on, Jammers! XD 

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Oops, before I log off Blogger, oreo3418 sent me some funny pics.
Hmm, but I don't know if this is when she just created some account, or if she actually had exactly 1,000 G. 
She also got the Blue Fire Pit from trading. Lucky her!! It looks wonderful in a snow fort den!
This is her in probably Meet Cosmo or The Phantom Portal Adventure. :)
Thats Oreo in.. well, some other adventure XD
Thats her playing on her sister's account, Baby... something. O-o
SUPER CAT TO Z RESCUE! Wow, I never knew cats could fly, dogs too! lol!!
Well, thats it! Keep up with the views, fans!
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Bouquet, song, wig and more

Hi fans!! Sneezes I've lately had a cold :( which, unfortunately as turned into a disastrous fever D:  anywho, here's the valentine's bouquet:
Great for ur late valentine! Ooo, and it has little sparkles in it, like it was washed with soapy water < . >
Here's what i call the freaky wig (no offense, AJ)
It looks like Jill's hair piece. lol.
Oh, I found that in my folder. It's me as an early jammer! :D Gee, time flies by, doesn't it? Though u will nowadays will see me walking around with different stuff on. I sold two of those things and traded another. :( I still miss her... 
Also me in that circle thingy with Mira. Nooo, she's frozen!

Sorry for not getting to this month's song.. it's my mom's fav, 
Credit to WildxBella AJ!

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Friday, February 14, 2014

:( RIP

Aww, darn,  my pet fish pebble (peebs) died a few weeks ago. *sniffle he was such a good lil fishy.. Well, we're going to dig his grave any month now. And now we got a new man in the house besides my dad-cherry! I'll take a pic of the cute little round red thing today, hopefully. lol, he isn't round, he's very healthy XD still, i miss peebs. Cherry sometimes acts like a ninja, and like he doesn't know i am his owner :'(

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Hiya peoples! Today, there's a special holiday. At first, i COMPLETELY forgot what it was cause my way of remembering it is my school's valentine's party. BUT.. there was like 8 inch. of snow and u couldn't get around. :( anyway.. here is Z new item in Jam Mrt Clothing
Isn't it cute? Right and left. And even better, non-members can share them with their friends! OMG, I'm getting one for para and me. :D except...  i checked out a blog, and the blogger said it looked like  a blob on ur animal. ??????

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Bye, and happy valentine's day!!!

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