Monday, February 17, 2014

Wat da?! ANOTHER WIG?!

Heyyyyy jammerz! What up? The dolphin31 animals are back, and we'll start with Eternal (infinity is now the star of my video collection and has to look like a boy from now on).

Sup, guys? Eternal here with *sighs another wig... RARE!

AJ looks so addicted to wigs. What's wrong??? Plus, do you see any similarity to the colors of this weeks rare and the rare unicorn horn colors? Kay, that's it!

Yay! It's Duchess Vonmoon (penguin) with another cool den item to add 

Hey, you know, cause of all these new plants to buy, i think I'll make a garden in my treehouse. I'll take a pic for u guys!!

The late Blossom is back with lots of updates on the DE!

That was from the chalenge of explaining how to be a savvy jammer..
The DE suggested setting a valentines day party. What a good idea! :) I'll tell that to Duchess. 

Well, I found about that a looonng time ago. But it's still cool

Later alligators! The dolphin31 animals wish you good luck on all your adventures! 

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