Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Random things around Jamaa, glitches, and stuff!

Hi guys!! Here's a new outfit I have created:
It's called "Jamaaliday Lover". :)
OK, i can't do the present, so I wanna show some other things:
? Whoa!
Yeah, yeah, like we will. Rolls eyes
I don't. What is it??
 O.o anoth glitch.
~dolphin31~ later, peeps!


  1. I was thinking about alfas and shamons and I relized NO DIMOND SHOP ANIMALS OR DEER HAVE SHAMONS! Oh no

    1. 1 question, what's a shamon? Sorry, I know- I'm dumb. :Y


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-Do not curse
-Be kind and don't ask others for things
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